Chamber Chat – March 5th, 2021
March 5, 2021
Swift Current & District & District Chamber Chat with MP Jeremy Patzer
- Discussed the February e-newsletter items briefly
- CEBA – better now that eligibility requirements have been straightened out
- CEWS – extended until June 2021, CERB doesnt have a specific deadline.
- SWSask – service industry hit very hard by the pandemic. Federal aid programs have been good to keep business going.
- Ongoing discussions re: Firearms, Criminal Code, Bill C-7
- AstraZeneca briefing occurring this afternoon – this vaccine appropriate for younger age groups
- Federal program wrap up dates – most September 2021. If programs are extended this requires vote in parliament, which means there may be some type of summer session to accommodate.
- Question raised re: protection of French language for Federal businesses (ie: Banks). What are the details and implications for Western Canada? The Fed Government intends to guarantee the right to work in French in all federally regulated private businesses with more than 50 employees in Quebec, and in predominantly French-speaking communities across Canada. So wouldn’t have implications for banks in rural SK.
- NAV Canada review of Regina Airport Authority – this was not based on COVID-19 and decreased traffic but has certainly been amp’d up. Chambers across the province signed letters of support to retain the air traffic control tower and submitted to Ottawa, we will do our best to spread the word. Far reaching implication for South Sask business to lose that at our International airport.
- Rapid testing – Fed gov’t gave to the provinces and not great uptake, why? Some provinces flat out do not want to use rapid test kits and prefer PCR, it is disappointing when people in positions of power say no to available options.
- Ivermectin – potentially preventative treatment to decrease death rate. Therapeutics being researched in addition to vaccines.
- Canada-US relations committee – newly formed 2 weeks ago by the Conservatives. The goal is to decrease red tape, and focus on energy and trade
- Supply issues – in some industries when the retailers are failing, causes the manufacturers to produce less, which in turn causes less supply.
- More focus on support local/Canadian made
- Reasoning for decisions made thus far – reports coming soon as to the WHY
- Parliament – when back to normal sitting? Hopefully this fall. Currently facial recognition system to cast votes. Canada by far is one of the most restricted countries for #’s sitting in person in parliament. Jeremy put forth an excellent suggestion to lead by example – rapid test all MP’s prior to entering the House of Commons.
- VIDO-Intervac – more federal funding requested. By 2022 – 40 million doses/year capacity increase approved which should have been prioritized spring of 2020